The Horse Boots Box

New Creation ZafTape:


Made by us, 'The Horse Boots Box' is an intelligent horse boots store that allows to wash, dry, and store properly any kind of horse boots.



The grid, equipped with a chain, allows to wash the protections without having wet hands and also to hang them at the stalles doors.

'The Horse Boots Box' allows to dry the Horse Boots without dirtying upholsteryies of Vans and Trucks, competition trunks, stables lockers, car trunks...


Inventive and Happy clients:

Very small and very chic in the upholstery of a 2 Horses Truck!


Practical horse. N ° 335. February 2018:

No need to be treated for such addiction:

Very proud to find ' LE BAC A GUETRES ' in the number 380 (March, April, may) of The Eperon, for sale in newsstands.


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